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Ballytober Primary School, Bushmills


Welcome to our P7 page! 

We hope that this page gives you a taste of what life in P7 is like. 

Our P7 teachers are called Mrs Elliott and Miss Speers. Our classroom assistant is Miss Elliott. We are a very happy and energetic bunch who work extremely hard and love learning new things.  

Term 2 

The busyness of transfer is over and we can now work at a more relaxed pace. This term we are looking forward to some trips to Ballycastle High School and the Ulster Museum. 

Topics this term:

Our World Around Us (WAU) theme this term is ''Raiders or Traders''. We are looking closely at the Viking period. 

In Numeracy, we will be covering the topics of Fractions, Decimals and Percentages, Algebra and Shape and Space.

In Literacy, we will be covering dashes, ellipsis and brackets, conjunctions, colons and semi-colons to name a few. 

Post-Primary Admissions

For more information on the transfer process, please click the link below, to visit the Education Authority website.

Entrance criteria for each school will be available from Thursday 11th January 2024. 

Post Primary Applications for school year beginning September 2024 will open on Tuesday 30 January 2024 at 12 noon.





24th Jun 2024
All the P7 children had a truly memorable Leavers’ Day at Ballytober. You are...
9th May 2024
The Primary 7 class are all packed up and ready for their exciting residential trip! 
31st Jan 2024
Ballycastle High School welcomed P7 pupils for a Wellbeing Day. They were introduced...
19th Jan 2024
Huge congratulations to two of our P7 pupils, James and Alana, who took part in the...

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