Playground Pals

Our Playground Pals are pupils from Primary 7. They volunteered to help out on the playground organising games and activities for the rest of the school to enjoy. Our Playground Pals have qualities that make them a good leader and a great friend. They are caring and compassionate to the younger children in our school. They want to ensure everyone is enjoying themselves and has someone to talk to if they need support.
The Playground Pals play a very important role in helping the lunchtime supervisors ensure everyone is safe and happy on our playground. They also make sure our play equipment is picked up and stored away and we have a good supply of resources for the children to enjoy.
Primary 7 children also have the responsibility to help the P1 children settle into school. They are their buddies and look after them. They make sure that the P1 children feel safe, nurtured and included in our school.
Ballytober Primary School, 60 Priestland Rd, Bushmills, County Antrim, BT57 8UR
Phone: 028 2073 1404